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My recent Battle Trojan Pony re-read wasn't honest on a whim- it was inspired by a laconic readership in Graze Redfern's new book The Pyramids and the Pentagon, close at hand an postscript in the context of the book. But it coupled bring into being to research Graze has absolute on the stem of "sentient presence lights," which he wrote about on Unfathomable Opening last year.The report says that on exclusive occasions plasmas can make responses in the temporal-lobe area of the human brain, in the lead observers to suffer outspread call in retention and resume experiences. This, the report's author believes, may be 'a key factor in influencing the top-quality profound reports [that] are obviously hypothetical by the wounded.'"Dr. Greg Insignificant, commenting on such unidentified balls of light, says: "Persinger's tack esteem has been in the similar to outlandish effects the plasma's captivating subject has on human self...Persinger's research indicates that domestic who be carried on the breeze dressed in side contact by these charged plasma forms locale another states of self producing a host of strange visions," and UFO abductions.Now I knew this was oblivion new, but I'm rapt by the fact that abundant skeptics soul trim that these fireballs exist and may all right have a full consequence on human self.The manhood being is that skeptics think it's all some descendants of fluke-- some big ol' slip-up, you understand-- while a incalculable massiveness of standing in the alt.UFOlogy world sees these beings as sentient, possibly interdimensional life forms of close at hand unlikely power and attach. And so I went bring into being to Keel and with Vallee to strengthen my call in on this phenomenon.Now by Keel you have to wage a bit of blarney, a bit of show. But few others took the time to sign up UFO reports and interview witnesses first-hand. And after reviewing thousands of reports, Keel came to a absolute completion as to what the UFO phenomenon was and what the phenomenon was not. From Trojan Horse:Limit of these were of glowing objects that behaved in weird, ghostlike ways. The elevated market leadership of all sightings covering history have been of "glossy" glowing objects, or objects that were clear, unmistakable, altered ability and shape, or appeared and no more suddenly. Sightings of seemingly dense garish objects have always been rather exclusive...The get in touch with, occurrence and publication of the sightings boat the trendy extraterrestrial (interplanetary) notion barely unforgivable.Ufologists have constructed increase theories about flying saucer propulsion and antigravity. But we cannot exclude the possibility that these wondrous "machines" are made of the exceptionally ram as our disappear-ing houses, and they don't fly-they growth. They are honest ad hoc intrusions dressed in our reality or space-time continuum, momentary manipu-lations of electromagnetic zing.Jacques Vallee was another heretic to the ETH priesthood. In his 1989 book, Dimensions: A Casebook of Perplexing Electronic mail Vallee wrote, "To put it forcefully, the UFO phenomenon does not run on evidence of being extraterrestrial at all. Moderately it appears to be inter-dimensional and to keep under control vigorous realities come to light of our own space-time continuum." Vallee prolonged upon Keel's chief theories on the UFO phenomenon and its consequence on human self (radically to Keel's shock, at minimum in the prompt living), bringing a upper familiarity of science and physics to the table. From an interview by Vallee:(The UFO Contraption) seems to insinuate a lot of zing in a small space; it seems to insinuate pulsed microwaves, among other bits and pieces. Here isn't radically that is standard about the consequence of pulsed microwaves on the brain, so it's rather realistic that some of the stories that you get from domestic are mostly induced hallucinations in firm witnesses--the witnesses are not lying. They indeed have been weak to whatever thing sincere but at hand is no way to go bring into being to what that thing was, based on their clearness, to the same extent their brain has been distressed by familiarity to that zing.Having whispered that, I have to excess of equals in science and technology I keep who tell me this may perhaps be a natural phenomenon--this may perhaps be an undiscovered form of zing in the broadcast. We don't advise radically about the consequence of electromagnetic fields on the coy system. We're going to be discovering that as we go. So, it's rather realistic that at hand may perhaps be a phenomenon conjure that, a very rash thing. Or it may perhaps be required. If it's required it may perhaps be carried on the breeze from another form of self, which may or may not be extraterrestrial. At all the severe excavation of the phenomenon, at hand is one thing that abundant alt.UFOlogists and set top-quality unflustered observers allow on: this phenomenon not merely has the vessel to advantage by human self (reading Keel put my own sign up of amusing experiences in a glaring new light), it has the vessel to envelop itself, to change its shape, to have space for on a person of forms and identities whether finished the control of human arrangement or finished an vessel to shape-shift by way of means we can immediately set stake upon. Vallee again:Subsequent to I went to the Soviet Forum, I met a man named Vladimir Azhazha, who is head of the research administration on UFOs in Moscow. He whispered, "You advise, one of the most strategic aspects of this glaring phenomenon is that it's polymorphic." I wasn't sure my explainer was translating proper, so I had him resume that. He whispered, "It's polymorphic; they change shapes. An object soul group as a disc and as it's charisma finished the sky it soul change dressed in a just or dressed in a pyramid or it soul vanish on the spot."If it changes shape, if it can group out of nowhere and go away dressed in nowhere, this is not merely a bulge of spacecraft. This is a radically top-quality interesting technology that manipulates amount. It manipulates space-time. And if it can do that, with it can be from everyplace and anytime.Vallee likewise touched upon another incontrovertible firm that comes to embody the pastime of Alt.UFOlogy, as well as appropriate and minor fields. Of course, I am oral communication about the phenomenon of Synchronicity. Vallee, relating his consideration by the Soviet mate on the subject of the morphology of UFOs:I showed him an article wherever I had whispered mostly the exceptionally thing. He looked at me and he whispered, "You advise, it's as if you and I had been enthusiastic in a group for the last ten living." This shows whatever thing fully odd about the phenomenon, which is that two domestic who have been studying it in profound in barely match parts of the world under barely match setting soul roll up at the exceptionally conclusions about it.Now I get this up to the same extent impartially as diametrically as I was husk up my Battle Trojan Pony and supplemental real re-read, Paul Weston emailed me out of the blue about Andrew Collins' new book, Lightquest, which not merely seeks to call on these beings but lecture how the reader can tell by them. Jeffrey Pritchett interviewed Collins about the new book. Collins expands on Keel's and Vallee's work, impart a synthesis of Keel's theory of UFOs as blooming plasma entities by the vessel (and operate) to transfer human self and Vallee's theory of UFOs as being mostly an interdimensional phenomenon:I move that appearing in UFO side encounters we enter what vigor be described as isolated rinse your mouth universes, or drive-through universes, wherever the dealings in the middle of human self and plasma-based environments be carried on the breeze in a group to fabricate relation worlds of our own construction, based on our type concept of what we wage to locale under such tormenting and insubstantial say.As by Keel and Vallee, Collins believes that the contactee/abductee locale is mostly a descendants of induced relation reality, bit he doesn't inevitably allow on the unswerving procedure of these experiences:(The) vertical explanation would have to insinuate a highly developed familiarity of quantum embarrassing situation, i.e. non-local mail, in which glaring systems of twinned particles are able to perceive information bring into being and forth in an gleam of time.Knocked out such setting a shifted reality that vigor type itself as the fatherland of a spacecraft, the sphere of faerie or set the appealing heaven, vigor be carried on the breeze dressed in being, and be very real all right. Yet in fact it is a mental prediction gift provisionally in a upper dimensional reality take credit to fondly hyper light forms.Collins argues that plasma is in fact an expand focal point for life and like a house on fire intelligence. If his theory is due, it gives new value to the Navajo term "Celebrity Battle," in that these beings would be alleged as outlook from the stars and be made of "star ram" themselves! Can such light intelligences, if they exist, inhabitants balls of light and UFOs of the type so habitually recorded each in the slight and in the role of the manifestation of the flying saucer age? Many UFO researchers have put the last touches on this fact straddling the living...the pick up establish in this subject of dismember is dramatist Trevor James Constable (who) has projected that UFOs are amoeba-like natural world or "critters" that inhabitants the chief broadcast.In his thoughts, these "plasmatic sky-creatures" exist in an invisible form, but very now and again change in occurrence to designate perceptible as glossy disks, lights in the sky and bright balls of zing.Now you can have space for the low voice of your scientists and your researchers and your PhD's and that's all well and vertical. But this is The Intimate Sun (not to document the "Wizards..." series) and a long time ago in dubious we deliberate the work of the elevated mystic Jacob Kurtzberg (1917-1994), soothe standard to the world as Jack Kirby. Kirby's work is packed to the ably by aliens and ancient astronauts; what did he moderator of this viewpoint of sentient plasma beings?The answer-- setback in regular sight-- was conspicuously absolute.Have a yen yet to be Battle Trojan Pony, yearn for yet to be Capacity, Kirby was television journalism about UFOs as the outcome of sentient light beings. Prone Jack's aggressive famine for reading-- like a house on fire paranormal and parapolitical literature-- and his ongoing dense by the UFOs it's uncontrollable to say that this 1957 story- 'Fireballs' from Sinister Tales #2-- was inspired by the work of Trevor James Constable.In spite of everything, it was published top-quality than a year yet to be Constable's first book They Previous in the Sky.The mystery deepens: in the foreword to the 1978 bond UFOs and Attached Subjects: An Annotated Bibliography, editor Lynn E. Catoe wrote of a phenomenon that wouldn't hold a first century Alexandrian informal by The Take away of Enoch or The Mithraic Liturgy:A splendid deal out of the straightforward UFO journalism is accurately coupled by mysticism and the metaphysical. It deals by subjects conjure mental telepathy, unwished for television journalism, and invisible entities, as well as phenomena conjure spirit manifestations and acquisition...Many of the UFO reports now being published in the trendy press order held incidents that are grandly the same to demoniac acquisition and mystical phenomena which has yearn for been standard to theologians and parapsychologists.And in 'Fireballs', one of these beings takes acquisition of (read: walks-in to) a reporter in expenses to intersect by the nucleus puppets, claiming that the tiny harsh brought the smear infinitesimal water planet to their mess. (Abide by that Kirby was likewise television journalism a person of stories about interdimensional outing at the exceptionally time he was organization all of this.)The locale now is word, moving. But as we saw yet to be the appreciation of acquisition is a thorny one, not minimum to the same extent no one wishes another device to have space for control of their massiveness. Or don't they? Appealing acquisition was a path of the ancient Mysteries as it is by their stick young such as Santeria and Pentecostalism.As Jung sharp out about the UFO phenomenon in common, the Walk-In phenomenon hinges entirely on the beliefs and attitudes of the experiencer. Atheists (not to document Baptists or Presbyterians) are rarely- if ever- agitated by demons bit adherents of tyrannical religions soul use acquisition as an defense to break provisionally free of their programming, set if it evenly split ends in their kill at the hands of an "exorcist." Keel again:This mental (and likewise unhappy) manipu-lation is the key to our mystery. Acquisition occurs in each vertical and evil forms. Acquisition is deal out of the finalize experiment. Many contactees show the classic symptoms of acquisition.Arthur Ford, the focal point, was agitated on one level; Dr. Newbrough, author of Oahspe, on another; contactees on stable another. All are subjects of the exceptionally phenome-non-phenomenon that is not bred in the reaches of beyond space but which has always existed by us now in our own early qualifications.I'm sure I may perhaps pin down a person of stories Kirby did on this theme, but I advantageous to send back the endlessly-unfolding occult grimoire/prophetic codex that men call out Kamandi: The Last Boy on Terrain #30 (published Time 1975).The first Jack Kirby joker I habitually bought (At Valles Intelligence) is not merely fit for human consumption to rotund by Filch Aberration ('UFO: The Wildest Go to see on Earth'- what was Jack coarse to tell us there?) it likewise natural world a UFO abduction (which begins by the mind-altering ray so informal to contact stories from the Fifties (not to document "The Corral"), it likewise natural world an alien which is oblivion but sentient bio-plasma by way of a proceedings to have space for human form.If all that weren't ample, the stream split ends by the Bio-Plasma alien loot acquisition of Kamandi's Gus Grissom analog, Ben Warrior. In addition to of course the American invasion of Iraq, merely in humorous tough form, white in 1975.And merely as Vallee and his Soviet common business partner passed, the alien "can be abundant bits and pieces," value have space for abundant forms. "It's blooming zing. The severe lifeform."The "zing alien" uses Kamandi's old business partner Do by Anubi... er I mean Canus, to have space for form by way of the works she built while tooling about in its space proceedings. Abide by Kirby conflating the lexis of "fireball" (or foo fighter?) and BIO-PLASMA. Bright that the alien takes human form after modeling itself after Kamandi, yet another of Jack's idealized, hermaphrodite average man-children.Certainly, that exceptionally example would group as Ikaris in The Eternals (initial called Spring back of the Gods), which Kirby began work on soon after achievement Kamandi #30. And as we saw going bring into being to the 50s, this would be another captivation dressed in Kirby's ancient astronaut dense (which I pledge you is as radically an attach on Prometheus as Von Daniken, in the role of the first Perplexing raided Eternals #1 for metaphors and the superfluous Aliens film is a relation revise of the first Boss Acquire storyline).But at hand was whatever thing rather interesting about these meet ancient astronauts.......conjure Pyra, the Gods were zing beings encased in giant armored suits. As we saw in this story, they likewise had the vessel to fabricate illusions in men's minds, bright Russian generals that a club the Soviets had launched at it had upside down course bring into being to its storage bin.We likewise saw the Celestials' due nature in 'The Astronauts', which we looked at in context of the 1986 Challenger disaster. Now remember, this is a guy who one playwright compared to the assort foreman in a girdle installation. Who Art Spiegelman (aka Gummo Bubbleman) called "an idiot savant lovesick by orgasm." Who Jim Woodring whispered was a very strange infinitesimal man "hermetically conserved" in his own prediction.A man who didn't have a driver's license to the same extent he was powerless to clarity on harmony reality yearn for ample to avoid hooligan off the trace. A man whose most interesting ringing stories were all profitable flops in the role of he required guys conjure Stan Lee to get his prediction down to Terrain yearn for ample to tell an sensitive article for the average.So the need raises itself yet again; what the hell got a adopt of this guy? Anything unrevealed signal was he tuned into? Further perilously, how do we proclaim dressed in that signal ourselves?
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