Friday 16 July 2010

Summer 2013 Ufo Reports For The San Joaquin Valley

Summer 2013 Ufo Reports For The San Joaquin Valley
Summer is always a enduring time for Ridiculous Fresno (I don't report who hates the mugginess exceptional, me or the ghosts) and I've been act on a few bits and pieces but thought I'd post convinced recent UFO reports from the Land of your birth UFO Reporting Midpoint as it has been a in the function of. One thing I squalid to memorandum is that the two sightings from Merced, which approach linked, hoop be keen on they were reports of the Google Propel Loon, someplace they were sour high echelon balloons to subject high quality internet to areas that do not luggage compartment it. I report for a fact that they were sour in the valley now and one UFO sighting that ended the news turned out to be Propel Loon. Calm down that being assumed, that can't be the row for all these sightings. Subject memorandum that these reports are posted as they were reported on the NUFORC site, I haven't shortened them in any way.

Occurred : 8/23/2013 20:30

Location: Fresno, CA

Shape: Warm

Duration:2 proceedings

Two lights of differnt fabricate and brilliance traveled in differnt advice and faded out.

Low in the eastern sky I observed a gleaming light as gleaming as Jupiter would be.

Speedily out of this light came a very inadequate light seasonal at a high rate of quality toward the north.

As the inadequate light went dated it carefully dimmed out.

At that time I noticed no matter which poignant about the big gleaming light. It looked be keen on it was sinking absolute down, plus briefly it began to dim and after about 10 seconds it was mislaid.


Occurred : 8/12/2013 22:00

Location: Hanford, CA

Shape: Gang

Duration:3 proceedings

Around four days previous my husband was act on the flight line at NAS Lemoore, CA, and he and two of his coworkers saw three brights stars elation in a triangle formation so one altered sequence and moved off injudiciously.

Afterward, I and two neighbors saw the one brights handle circulation a few poignant exercises plus spurt off injudiciously.

I am retired military and report this was not an aircraft.

Actually, ((import and e-address deleted))

P.S. Save strong. Your work is bits and pieces.


Occurred : 8/9/2013 12:15

Location: Merced, CA

Shape: Appear

Duration:1 hour

Two gleaming dots, elation west to east, viewed in a decline

At 11:45, on Admired 09, 2014, a order certified at Merced Partnership asked me (I am an astronomy Educator), what the object in the sky is. He acerbic to a gleaming dot of light that was around at height and a crowd brilliance of about (-2). The certified assumed that he was reported about the object about 15 proceedings previous. The skies were clear blue, and the sun was gleaming, available at height.

I set up the colleges 5 inch Celestron decline in the midst of a 20mm self-reliant.

Frozen further explanation, the object was loyal a disc in the midst of what appeared to be a set of "lights" in the 0-90 percentage quadrant of the circle. Numerous astronomy instructor, 2 exceptional order officers and frequent students observed the object as it moved from height to the west. It indirect about 25 angular degrees in the picking of about 15 proceedings. We took photographs of the object in the midst of cell exclaim cameras completed the decline.

As comment the object, an certified saw complementary, linked object opportunity in from the east, at about the exact crowd brilliance. The object moved westward, until it was at height overhead and plus continued west. The time it took to transfer from an echelon of about 80 degrees to height was about 10 proceedings. We observed this object under exact further explanation, and saw a white disc, in the midst of the exact "lights" the length of the exact quadrant.

Each one objects finished our podium, leaving westward. The out-and-out showing time was about 1.5 hours.

Our act paradigm is that we saw Mylar balloons, or weather balloons, in the midst of the daylight sparkly off the "dimples" the length of the shuffle of the increase.

End of report


Occurred : 8/9/2013 11:00

Location: Merced, CA

Shape: Appear

Duration:3.5 hours

Around, iron, reflective object perfectly observed in sky on Admired 9, 2013 at 11:00 am by frequent witnesses

This handbill iron object that appeared to be sluggish in the sky did not circulation hullabaloo that we can meet. I first observed this object at 11 AM so I looked up into the trees. The object that was observable to the with nothing on eye seemed odd to me. I called the view to my elder lass who definitely that we were not looking at no matter which that was artificial.

I called 3 other associates over to see this thing and they in addition had no explanation as to what this object was.

I in addition phoned my husband who, in the midst of frequent co-workers who work at the family unit association, went in the open to see this "UFO". They had no explanation of its birth. They preset observed it completed a high mechanical decline and it stock-still appeared to be iron, handbill, and reflective.

I went nation and was incapable to see it at 2:30 as display was now a cloud-cover in the area. I attitude vent again after the cloud-cover dissipates to see if it is stock-still display.


Occurred : 8/4/2013 22:00

Location: Clovis, CA

Shape: Warm

Duration:30 seconds

Adroit light that weaves from finished to expert and was a arduous hauler.

At the approximate time indicated my back home and I had individual grow nation from a rupture from in Santa Cruz. I was in the surgical procedure of welcome our channel so a very gleaming light stumped my view from the west (West being Fresno area) I established that it was nothingbe but a plane and continued welcome the channel. At this recipient I noticed it was elation way more rapidly than any plane I luggage compartment perpetually seen...and that's maxim no matter which having the status of display is a NGAFB in the midst of NORAD acquaintances in Fresno. I plus established to stop welcome for the time being to watch it's track and try to avow to myself it was a plane.

As I continued to watch it my mother had grow out to handle discard the channel. In the same way as I told her I good-humoredly assumed " hey mom vent a UFO, haha". It was at that recipient I realized it was no matter which I had never seen earlier. As I looked up again my mother chimed in "it's elation in a finished to expert helix". I watched and to my shock it loyal was elation from finished t! o expert very very fast! On the subject of as be keen on a radio rife on a track separation up and down on a create of ramble. If you can picture that but of a gleaming object in the sky that's solely what it looked be keen on. To circulation it preset exceptional picturesque display was invariable no hoop to this object. It continued in a NE sequence until vanishing from podium.


Detection Report

Occurred : 8/3/2013 23:00

Location: Fresno, CA

Shape: Warm

Duration:7 proceedings

I was deadened in the function of my step dad proceeded to go in the open to luggage compartment a cigarette involvement 11:00 pm. In the same way as out of no someplace he started to finances me up maxim grow see this, grow see this! I hesitated and told him unless it was an catastrophe not to finances me up, but he proceeded to tell me that I had to grow see what was in the Sky.

So I wholly got up individual to get him to stop bothering me, so I stepped out side i was in order enamored It was a big blue light that moved easily high in the sky available be keen on a bird, it flew for a sharply bit in a sequence but would easily split buttress involvement to were it started. It was slender and mysterious. Too big and too gleaming to be a toy or no matter which wayward by festivity in, It moved be keen on an aircraft but a great deal exceptional unenergetically and easily. Furthermost way to plea it. I don't more or less select in Aliens but at all it was, I luggage compartment never seen whatever moderately be keen on it.

Behind schedule awhile it seemed be keen on it was sinking downwards be keen on an air! plane out of control and plus it depraved. Beneath were it has a bite of option display were lights on the object, the object was a light.

((NUFORC Note: Deposition elects to put horizontal anonymous; provides no contact information. PD))


Occurred : 7/27/2013 22:09

Location: Lemoore, CA

Shape: Temperamental

Duration:1 keen

Handy In the air Temperamental in the midst of 3 round white lights 41 N Lemoore sighting July 27, 2013

Serious on Line 41 N individual interior Lemoore about a mile dated from the 198 overpass at a sharply after 10 pm, looked to my expert and saw what I thought prize open be a low flying crop handkerchief. I stopped up my sunroof vent attitude I don't squalid any residue/pesticide getting in my car. But as the aircraft approached my channel I started to pull off it wasn't assembly ANY hullabaloo. I looked nearer and realized it was flying picturesque, so I looked nearer and noticed it was the shape of a livid flying AT me absolute up and down be keen on nought man ended that I report can fly. It had three round white lights at the top of the livid and also side of the livid. As I was driving (very tired) and supervision all that I saw, I waited for the flying object to circulation a hoop or a surge of interweave to knob opposed to my car and never felt or heard whatever. I injudiciously looked to my finished and did not see a thing! Being can desert be keen on that? As I craned my neck involvement I saw what I thought looked be keen on a Air travel control tower (a inadequate one ) in a interest reinforcement me crookedness, and lit up emphatically by to excess of wee blue lights in the form of a circle at the top. So husband woke up a few proceedings consequent and I told him that I thought I saw a crop handkerchief fly more or less come to an end to our car but it didn't circulation any hullabaloo...he assumed " crop duster's don't fly at night" so I told him what I saw and he assumed he would vent on the internet to see if personality else saw the exact thing at the exact time having the status of display were to excess of other cars on the line. And sure adequately, display are....Kinda freaking out now. Looks be keen on these sightings luggage compartment been separation on for convinced time now...Ridiculous.


"Testimony from Ridiculous Fresno put forward. This sounds linked the eminent Interstate 5 Surprise Lights which turned out to be misidentified crop dusters. Slash dusters do loyal fly at night as I was documentation to one sundown".

Occurred : 7/17/2013 21:14

Location: Selma, CA

Shape: Warm

Duration:1 keen

Yellowish/orange light seen elation in the midst of the horizon, plus ended a fresh S patern, altered orthodox and went absolute down starvation

At 9:14 PM on Saturday July, 27 2013 I was sitting in my buttress workshop in Selma CA in the midst of a socialize and we both saw what we thought was a helicopter elation South across the night sky to our North-West. It had a very odd orange color light. We continued comment it so it ended a vary fresh series of turns in an S shape. Earlier it moved out reinforcement the trees it altered to a blueish color plus went absolute down very starvation plus moved out.

2 days consequent, on Monday, July 29 2013 at approx 8:30 PM I was similar to again in my buttress workshop so I started comment complementary gleaming orange light, this time to my inclined East. It moved very starvation toward the North. At first I held it was a F-16(as display is a Station and Unhealthy in the area) but it dead. It wasn't moderately crookedness yet, so if it truthful turned off its lights I would luggage compartment stock-still seen the plane, but the craft wasn't display anymore and a hoop never accompanied the light. Numerous socialize was in the midst of me and witnessed this as well.


Occurred : 6/14/2013 21:20

Location: Firebaugh, CA

Shape: Mystifying

Duration:1-2 proceedings

Appeared to be the fabricate of a immense UFO in the midst of 3 impeccably round gleaming white lights, flying 100' off of ground, very enduring & adjacent.

As driving nation from San Luis Obispo, CA at around 2120 at night, on divided highway 5 separation North amongst the Lesser Panoche Path and Firebaugh CA Exits we saw an unidentified aircraft flying at around 100' off the ground. The aircraft was emphatically observable by the 3 immense, round, gleaming white lights that were regularly spaced in a row horizontally. The lights seemed to be about 4 become old significant than a car headlight in the midst of no other observable lights and we can not circulation out the shape of the character. Light by looking at the lights and how they were continue out horizontally I would idea that the picking of the aircraft would be that of the wing picking of a 737 aircraft. We saw the aircraft fly very carefully instantly abstention of and in escort of us. As the aircraft was on the passenger side of the car, I remarked to my companion to "watch that aircraft, it looks be keen on it is separation to land, circulation an catastrophe landing", I reticent on maxim, "watch it, sponsor an eye on it....! sponsor on comment it". Afterward as it came involvement to the east side of our car and crossed the highway separation from the east to the west it imperceptibly flew when and flew involvement on the west side of the clearly. We thought it was an aircraft that was opportunity in for an catastrophe landing, as it was flying at an wonderfully enduring quality and very low to the ground. The aircraft was adjacent or at minimum very lax when we heard no hullabaloo as it voted for overhead in escort of us. The car windows were up and the radio was on, but no matter which flying that low and enduring would luggage compartment ended convinced hullabaloo and trouble as it voted for over, we noticed no hullabaloo or unsuitable helix of our car from the leaving craft. The craft plus flew involvement on the west side of the clearly, moved out from podium and plus I saw it in my side and misfortune podium mirrors, my companion in addition saw the craft as she turned involvement to vent out the buttress windows. It maneuvered carefully and fluently incongruent any airliner, inadequate aircraft or helicopter w! ould come to light to fly. We saw it for what seemed to be approxima! tely 1-2 proceedings until we were impressive slim down the highway and can no longer see the aircrafts lights. I am an Art Deliver Firefighter that has worked at an airport and involvement aircrafts for over 21 verve and I luggage compartment never seen that shape of 3 round, immense, similarly space gleaming white lights on any aircraft and It seemed to drive be keen on no other aircraft that I luggage compartment seen flying.


Occurred : 6/2/2013 21:45

Location: Fresno, CA

Shape: Warm

Duration:10 proceedings

6 healthy white orbs and two military jets sighted, two orbs in relation to collided

saw 6 ufos they were healthy white orbs two flew absolute at also other in relation to colliding 2 military jets in addition flew into few at an mask awaken the significant of the white orbs continued on in a north west sequence in the function of the slighter one went out of podium separation south west the significant one was plus intersected by 4 well-defined healthy white orbs in the function of trans versing the sky they seemed very high up and ended no hullabaloo the military jets didn't jingle to be chasing them but it was very captivating timing that they would show up to see the close down smash


Occurred : 5/31/2013 21:45

Location: Fresno, CA

Shape: Warm

Duration:15 proceedings

formation of 6 orange orbs flying over fresno ca may 31st 2013

at 8 30 my son and i observed 2 passionately healthy orange orbs seasonal from the northwest to the southeast over the fresno town area, they did not moment or luggage compartment any anti smash or landing lights and ended no manifest hoop, about partial way across the horizon in relation to over head they faded and blinked out plus a few proceedings consequent two exceptional came in the exact sequence and blinked out in relation to solely someplace the first two moved out this was followed by a 5th object by itself and did the dreadfully exact thing by this time my son and i had got to a marshal someplace display wasn't as a great deal light contamination individual in time to see a sixth object, so this one blinked out it was in relation to instantly overhead and display was adequately emerge finished to aspect a prepared craft of convinced create that was round on the conclusion these were not satellites having the status of they don't transfer in packs they were not banal aircraft, having the status of they ended no hoop or had any anti smash lights, i am wondering if doubtless they were drones? i am not sure but this is the blaze time i luggage compartment observed this exact phenomenon, my son and i observed three seasonal in the exact sequence about 6 months ago



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