Monday 30 March 2009

Beeping Connections

Beeping Connections
I can't believe Lesley Gunter wrote about strange beeping sounds she hears, as well as odd phone calls related to beeping in her recent Gray Matters: What the Beep? column for Tim Binnall's site:Ever since I was a child, I have sometimes heard strange beeping sounds. It is not something that happens often, but it is kind of creepy. About a week ago, I was up very late (or early for most people), and it was around 5 AM when I heard the beeping noise. It was just 3 or 4 beeps, but they were was fairly loud and seemed to come from outside my window. I've had my own experiences with beeping sounds throughout my life as well. One experience I wrote about here in March: On the Frequency: Owls, Beeping, Radio Voices. Other posts: Green Electric, and More About Beeping, a follow-up post on my blog Frame 352 about Bigfoot and beeping. Here's an excerpt concerning UFOs:As I wrote in Beeping Creatures, in relation to UFOs, this beeping sound is sometimes heard in connection with UFOs. Bonnie Meyer, in her book Alien Contact: The Messages They Bring, writes, in a section titled "Scanning":"If you are hearing a lot of beeping sounds, it is probably a small scanning instrument. This scanning is kind of like a mind probe. I doubt you could tell the difference where or who it's coming from."The beeping sound was heard by Barney and Betty Hill during their experience. This experience has been related many times, including most recently in Stanton Friedman's and Kathleen Marden's (Betty HIll's niece) book Captured! where the beeping was described as:... "code like," with several beeps, a pause, then more beeps. Were the beeps some kind of alien Morse code?UFO researcher Raymond E. Fowler, who's also an "experiencer" (we must come up with a better word for that!) himself, has experienced this beeping sound while asleep:January 27, 1995: I awoke twice to a electronic beeping sound. the second time I thought it was my watch alarm sounding and actually reached to shut if off before the beeping stopped. My right nostril is still sore."There is much more to the above post about UFOs, cryptids, and beeping sounds...Speaking of Bigfoot, here's the I wrote about beeping and BF for UFO Digest: Beeping Creatures.Then there's the strange telephone calls, which Lesley mentions in her column. I haven't experienced those, not quite, but I did have this dream about Mothman and phones. John Keel of course experienced strange phone calls and electronic oddness while investigating the Mothman and UFO events for his book The Mothman Prophecies. Greg Bishop wrote about phone calls and Mothman awhile ago: Mothman Phone Home.There is a definite relationship between strange beeping and UFO, anomalous events. The question is, why, and in what way do they relate -- what's the connection? Why do some of us experience this? A fascinating road to explore.


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